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Managing user accounts and permissions
Managing user accounts and permissions

How to manage user accounts and the access/permissions and notifications you would like to grant them.

Stella Marques avatar
Written by Stella Marques
Updated over a week ago

Administrator licenses

It is essential to use a business email address and not a personal email address for the administrator license to avoid access issues in case the administrator of the account has been deleted.

To request a modification to an administrator account, contact us vis the "chat".

Creating new users

Step 1: Invite the user to Plannit

  • Click on "+ Add

  • Enter the user's name and email address

  • Click on "Save" to send an invitation email to the user

Step 2: Wait for the user to register

  • Once the user has confirmed receipt of the invitation, the status will change from "Pending" to "Active".

Step 3: Finalize the information in the profile

  • Code (optional): license number, if applicable to your profession

  • Color (optional): to visually distinguish employees in the calendar

  • Hourly rate (optional): The hourly rate should incorporate deductions at the source (DAS) and serve as a valuable tool for assessing the profitability of each project based on hours worked.

Assign permissions

Select the role of each user from the following options:

  • Administrator: user with access to all management settings

  • Manager: user with permissions restricted to his management level

  • Employee: user with restrictions related to his role

You can customize the access/permissions you want to give to your users, regardless of the role selected.

You can choose from the following list by clicking on the button to activate the ones you want :











Assign notifications

Notifications allow users to be notified when activities from the list below occur in Plannit. and you can select the notifications you want your employees to receive from the following options:


Notified when:

New Customer Message (by email)

Client sends a message

New Jobs (by email)

User is assigned work

Paid Invoice

Client pays invoice

Payment overdue

Invoice still unpaid after 2 payment reminders sent

New Customer Message

Client sends a message

New Jobs

User is assigned work

Accepted Quote

Client accepts a quote

Refused Quote

Client refuses a quote


Client leaves a review

Online Booking

Client books via web bot

Tips and tricks

In order for a user to receive notifications on their cell phone, they must have enabled notification reception in the application

Setting a resource inactive

To prevent anomalies with job files and documents associated with the employee, you will need to re-assign these documents ie. jobs, visits, quotes etc. to another employee/resource. Here is how:

From the Visits grid:

  • Filter a list of visits assigned to the resource you are looking to put inactive

  • Select all visits. On the orange band, remove the resource and then assign the new resource

On the Settings - Resources

  • Click on the name of the resource and under Status set to Inactive

    This action ensures that their data before the Inactive status remains in the system for reference.

Deleting the resource

In the event that you not foresee this employee ever being a user again, you can delete the employee's profil on your account Settings.

On the Settings - Resources

  • Click on the trash bin at the end of the line

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