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Make visit notes visible to multiple employees
Make visit notes visible to multiple employees

Communicate important job / visit execution notes to your employees in real time

Brigitte Chouinard avatar
Written by Brigitte Chouinard
Updated over a week ago

Plannit allows you to directly alert an employee that an action is required or that important information has been added to a file. You can do this from a job, a quote, a visit, an invoice or a contact.

There are 2 ways you can tag an employee:

From the "Internal Comments" section located at the bottom of the job, quote, visit, invoice or contact documents:

  • enter "@" and select the name of the employee you wish to tag

  • write the message and click the arrow to send. (see example below)

From a click on the white bubble related to the quote, visit, invoice or contact in the grid, which will open the "Internal Comments" window:

  • enter "@" and select the name of the employee you wish to tag

  • write the message and click the arrow to send. (see example below)

Your employees will receive the notification in their "bell", under "Personal" (see below). You will also see the communications bubble related to the document change to blue, indicating there is a new update that requires your attention.

NOTE: make sure that your employee permissions and notifications have been set up properly for each user in order for the tagging and communications to be optimized i.e. that thay have been given access to the documents you are tagging them on and/or that you have allowed notifications to be received (See how to manage user permissions and notifications)

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