Here are the reports you should provide to your accountant at the end of the period, so that he can record your transactions in the accounting system.
📄 Sales summary report
The list of invoices created for a given period, including the following information:
Customer name
Sub total
Due date
📄 Payments report
Report on all payments received for a given period, including the following information:
Customer name
Reference number
Reference date
Type of payment
📄 Accounts receivable report
Report showing the chronological order of accounts receivable by customer at a given date and by invoice age (invoice due date). Payments on future invoices are not taken into account in this report (down payments), nor are payments for subsequent periods on current invoices.
📄 Collections report (open invoices)
Report of invoices still unpaid as of today's date and their due date. All future payments and credit notes are applied to give the current balance.