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How does the Plannit phone integration work?
How does the Plannit phone integration work?
Stella Marques avatar
Written by Stella Marques
Updated over 4 months ago

This article aims to explain how telephony integrates into Plannit, what the different possibilities are, and how they are implemented.


The phone integration is handled solely and entirely by our team, saving you from the implementation steps.

Tell us your needs, and we will help you make the best choice and implement it for you.


For Plannit to effectively manage your calls, it is essential that they are directed to our phone system. Plannit must be integrated into your call flow to be able to interact with them. This is the primary requirement to benefit from the advantages we offer with our phone solution.

Now that you understand this essential element, here is a more detailed explanation of how it works and what options are available.

Current Call Flow

Currently, the flow of calls within your company likely works as follows:

  1. The client dials your phone number, and it rings.​

  2. You answer the call on a cell line, a landline, or a digital line (VoIP).

There may be other variables, for example:

  • You have a virtual receptionist (IVR) that asks your clients to "press 1 for service X," "press 2 to reach department Y," etc.

  • You have a call forwarding setup to another number.

  • You have other phone features managed by your company.

👉 In all cases, the calls reach you, and you respond to your clients!

Call flow with Plannit

It is essential to fully understand your situation and environment to best meet your needs!

To implement the most suitable solution for your needs, we must understand the following:

  • Is the line you are using a personal or professional cell phone, a landline at the office or home, or a digital line (VoIP)?

  • Is your phone number displayed on your website, listed on your vehicles and equipment, or well-known to your clients?

Based on your answers, one of the following three solutions 👇 can be implemented.

1️⃣ Call forwarding to the Plannit phone number

In this solution, your calls are forwarded to the Plannit phone system, giving you access to all its features with minimal effort!

Applies to:

  • Number associated with a landline

  • Number associated with a digital line system (VoIP)

  • Number associated with a call center or virtual receptionist service (IVR)

Does not apply to:

  • Personal phone number

  • Number associated with a cell phone - unless you agree to forward all your calls

Advantages and disadvantages

👍 Advantages

  • Easy and quick to set up

👎 Disadvantages

  • You continue to pay for your phone line with your provider

  • More complex diagnostics due to the number of parties and configurations involved

  • Call quality may decrease with multiple cascading call transfers

2️⃣ Acquire a new Plannit phone number

In this solution, your calls go directly into the Plannit phone system, giving you access to all of Plannit's phone options with minimal effort.

Applies to :

  • New start-up companies

  • Companies that are ready to publish a new number, for example to stop using their personal number - or for any other reason.

Does not apply to :

  • 1-800 telephone number

  • Numbers that cannot be changed for a multitude of reasons (your vehicles are lettered with your number, you've been operating on this number for +10 years, etc.).

Advantages and disadvantages

👍 Avantages

  • Quick and easy to set up

  • Easy to diagnose

👎 Disadvantages

  • 1-800 number assignment not supported

3️⃣ Transfer my phone number to Plannit

With this solution, your calls enter directly into Plannit's telephone system, giving you access to all Plannit's telephone options, but requiring a little more effort to set up.

Applies to :

  • Number of any type, except 1-800 numbers

  • Long-established or start-up business

  • Business that can't afford to change their number

Does not apply to :

  • 1-800 phone number

Advantages and disadvantages

👍 Advantages

  • No need to reletter your vehicles, equipment or redo your website and business card

  • Easy to diagnose

  • Certain savings compared with the other two options - no more telephone line to pay for with your supplier

👎 Disadvantages

  • More complex to implement, as administrative steps to transfer the number are required

  • Transfer of 1-800 numbers is not supported

  • If you have a contact with your current provider, some fees may apply

Telephony options

Now that your calls arrive in Plannit's telephone system, you'll be able to choose between several telephony options. Here are the 📘 Telephony options offered by Plannit

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