Visible notes can provide additional details or instructions, related to a specific contact/address. This helps employees clearly understand what needs to be done, reducing the chances of misunderstandings or errors.
Here's how to add a note directly to the address in your contact:
Notes on a recurring route
Click on the editing button (pencil) in the address section of the contact form
Add notes in the notes section
When you go to create your route, you'll have the opportunity to see all the notes for this address under the "Contact address notes" field.
In the "Note for this route" field, you can keep only the note that applies to this route, deleting the others.
On the road, the note is shown directly on the tile.
Notes on a daily visit
To have a note appear on a daily visit, look at the job address of your visit/job order.
To choose a visit with a note, open the job location and make sure you add the address from your address list (bottom) to the job address field. To change the job address, delete the one with the "x" and click on the desired address in the address list below.
The selected address note will appear on the daily visit tile.