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Send an invoice only to the billing contact
Send an invoice only to the billing contact

Separate mailings for invoices to maximize your customer experience

Brigitte Chouinard avatar
Written by Brigitte Chouinard
Updated over a week ago

Plannit lets you choose the recipient(s) of your communications to provide a better communication experience and save time.

Here's how to do it:

OPTION 1: Within a given contact, you can choose the type of communication that corresponds to its need. For example, to send invoices to a specific address, simply identify it in the contact as follows:

When the invoice is sent, Plannit will recognize the billing contact as the sole recipient as follows, even if 2 different e-mail addresses are associated with the contact:

OPTION 2: This involves creating a billing intervention contact separate from the intervention contact (for example, in the case of management companies and/or if you are subcontracting, etc.) and simply making an association as follows on the intervention contact:

Once saved, only the billing contact will receive invoices.

NOTE: it is possible to add recipients already created in your contacts to your mailings at any time as required, from the send window as follows:

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