Avoid losses due to last-minute cancellations or no-shows with our quote module. When confirming the appointment with the customer, you can let them know that you have a penalty policy for cancellations without notice, as follows:
Create a contact named "Template XXX" as follows:
Click on "+ contact".
Name the contact, e.g. "Template APP confirmation".
Click on "Save
Create a "Template" submission to be reused as follows:
Click on +Quote and choose the "Template XXX" contact you created above.
Add an item on this quote called "Cancellation fees" with a detailed description of your policy and the amount in case of cancellation
Set the payment calendar date to "To be planned".
See image below
Use this template after talking to the customer as follows:
Search for "Template XXX" in your quote grid
Click on the quote to open the window
Click on "Action" then "Copy".
Select your contact then click on "Create a quote".
Get customer confirmation as follows:
The customer receives the confirmation by e-mail/SMS and commits to the predefined terms by accepting it as follows:
You'll receive notification of acceptance, allowing you to go ahead with the appointment as planned.
If the customer doesn't show up, simply send the invoice for this quote at the appropriate time.
If the customer does show up, simply delete the related invoice as follows: