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Activate GPS tracking on mobile phones
Activate GPS tracking on mobile phones

How to activate the GPS tracking on mobile for my employees

Brigitte Chouinard avatar
Written by Brigitte Chouinard
Updated over a week ago

To be able to track a device when an employee is on a route, the employee must first have enabled notifications on their device. The procedures vary based on the device:

Enable GPS tracking on an Android device

  1. Go to the settings of your Android device

  2. Select the "Applications" tab

  3. Click on "Plannit".

  4. Go to your "Permissions" tab

  5. Set your permissions to "ON" if you don't see location, camera and microphone in bold

#1. #2 #3 #4 #5

Enable GPS tracking on an iOS device (iphone)

If not done so when you first dowloaded Plannit on your mobile, the first step is to allow Plannit notifications as follows:

  • Go to your settings

  • Select "Notifications"

  • Click on Plannit

  • Turn on "Notifications"

The second step is to activate the GPS tracking as follows:

  1. Go to your "Settings".

  2. Click on "Privacy".

  3. Go to "Tracking".

  4. Set your permissions to "ON" to allow GPS tracking.

NOTE: The employees can only be tracked if the GPS tracking is on, which means they can deactivate it at the end of the day if they have privacy concerns.

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