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Send a promotional mass mailing to my Plannit contacts
Send a promotional mass mailing to my Plannit contacts
Brigitte Chouinard avatar
Written by Brigitte Chouinard
Updated over a week ago

You can use Plannit to easily prepare a list of contacts that you will be able to send a mass mailing to and once extracted, you will be able to export that list into your communications software to do your mass mailing. here are the steps to follow:

Display the contact information you will need for your mass mailing:

From the "Contacts" tab, click on the "Display Options" button on the right to select the columns you need by clicking or un-clicking in the desired boxes (e.g., contact, company, email, labels, etc.)

Filter the contacts you want to send your communication to:

  1. Click on "All Filters" and select the "Active" status;

  2. Select the labels to include or exclude as needed (to learn more about tags and how to filter them, see Managing labels and Using filters in grids.

  3. Click on "Apply".

Export the contact list:

  • For a long list, adjust the number of items per page to a maximum of 1000 items;

  • Position the cursor on a white space in the document and click on the right button of your mouse then select "export" and choose the desired format for your import.

Merge the exported pages into a single document if needed:

If your list contains more than 1000 items, you will need to export the information on each of the pages and copy/paste it into the same file to facilitate import into the system you use for your mass mailings (i.e. MailChimp, Hubspot, etc.).

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