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Tips and tricks with QuickBooks online
Caroline Pelletier avatar
Written by Caroline Pelletier
Updated over a week ago

This article aims to help you avoid potential system errors by giving you the best practices we've identified.

In this article, you'll see:

➡️ Our tips and tricks

💡 Tips and tricks

  1. Never merge customers in QB (the corresponding ID in Plannit automatically disappears) and you won't be able to export invoices from Plannit to QB.

  2. Never create new customers in QB, but rather create them in Plannit, since exporting the transaction will create the customer and the corresponding ID. Remember that you can export data from Plannit to QB, but not vice versa!

  3. Use only the characters permitted by QB when creating a customer or product name. For example, avoid using apostrophes or accents in your customer or product names, as this will cause export problems.

    Here's the list of permitted characters:

Alphanumeric: AZ, az, 0-9

Comma : ,

Period or period: .

Question mark: ?

To symbol : @

Ampersand: &

Exclamation mark: !

Number/sharp sign: #

Simple quote: '

Tilde: ~

Asterisk: * *

Space: ( )

Underline : _

Minus sign / hyphen: -

Semicolon: ;

Plus sign: +

4. For an invoice to be exported to QB, it must have an invoice date. This simple

oversight can result in the invoice not being exported. If the date is replaced by N/A, no export will take place in QB.

5. To avoid duplicates in QB, add a letter or prefix to your invoice numbers created in Plannit. If, by misfortune, someone on your team creates an invoice in QB, the number will be different from those created in Plannit.

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