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Managing chemical products
Brigitte Chouinard avatar
Written by Brigitte Chouinard
Updated over a week ago

This section is specifically targeting clients that need to track their chemical product usage for pest control, fertilisation, etc.

Once created in the settings, you will be able to select these products in your work orders, to track quantities and other details, that will also appear on your chemical product usage report.

Adding chemical products

From your "Chemicals" settings, click the "+ Product" button:

  1. Product name: manufacturer's product name

  2. Class: corresponds to the hazard level

  3. Registration number (PCP): the numerical code assigned to each pest control product approved under the Pest Control Products Act

  4. Targeted pest: if applicable, name the targeted pest

  5. Unit of measurement: as an exemple, liters/galons, grams/onces, etc.

  6. Notes: optional section

Modifying the order and deleting items from the list

If you would like to re-order the items on the list to have the most often used items to appear closer to the top, click on the 3 lines on the left of the item and drag up/down and click on the trash can to remove.

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