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Products and services settings
Stella Marques avatar
Written by Stella Marques
Updated over a week ago

You can create your list os products and services in your settings once, to speed up the time it takes to produce your quotes and invoices.

Once created in your catalog, your will be able to add your items to your quotes and invoices, adjust the quantities if need be, and let Plannit automate the totals and taxes according to your selections.

This article covers:

Importing a list of products and services

If you already have a long list of products and services, here is how we can help:

  • If you have a list on an Excel spreadsheet: we can provide an Excel format to enter your information and we will import it for you.

  • If you have subscribed to the Automation and integration features and have Acomba, Sage 50 or Quickbooks online: please refer to Accounting settings to get the instructions on how to import your products and services catalog in Plannit.

  • If your list currently resides in another software: please chat with us in the Help section in Plannit and let us know which one so we can look into (fees may apply if programming is required).

Adding a product or service to your list

You can add a product by clicking "+ Product" in your Products and services catalog settings. This will open a window with the following fields:

  1. Item: The name you want to use for your item (make it easily searchable / recognizable by all users).

  2. Description: It can include any amount of details you would like to provide to your customers on your quotes and invoices.

  3. Price: Is the unit price of the item (for example price per hour, price per linear foot, price per pound, etc.). You can leave the price at "0" if it is an item that you prie differently for different clients.

  4. Cost: Is an internal reference only and does not currently appear in any reports (optional).

  5. Code: Is also an internal reference (optional).

  6. Tax: Click on the window to select from your tax groups and/or "untaxed" (you can always remove the tax on a given invoice by going back to this item and checking "untaxed" and reassign the tax after).

  7. Accounting debit account: You need only to enter this number if you have subscribed to the accounting integration with Acomba or sage 50. It corresponds to the GL account # used for receivables associated to products and services.

  8. Accounting credit account: You need only to enter this number if you have subscribed to the accounting integration with Acomba or sage 50. It corresponds to the GL account # used for revenues associated to products and services.

  9. Accounting item reference: Will be automatically populating when importing your products and catalog from Quickbooks, if you have subscribed to the accounting integration with Quickbooks online.

Deleting a product or service from your list

  • To delete a product or service, click on the trash can to the right of the item


Deleting an item from your catalog will prevent you from being able to search on that item. However, the item will remain on the documents produced with these items before the deletion.

For clients with accounting system integration, deleting an item from your catalog may cause error messages when exporting data to your accounting system so we recommend that you do not delete them even if you are no longer using them.

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