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Calculate commission payments for employees
Calculate commission payments for employees

Commission payment based on sales, (report)

Brigitte Chouinard avatar
Written by Brigitte Chouinard
Updated over a week ago

Here are the steps to easily calculate commissions owed to your employees/technicians after you have received payment for the job they sold and/or executed.

Add the employee you want to commission in the "Resources" section in each invoice (see arrow in image below):

  • Click on "Resources" to see the list of employees

  • Check the box for the employee you wish to commission for that invoice

When you are ready to pay your commissions, go into the Invoices menu grid and add the "Resources" column (if not already done) as follows:

  1. Click on the "Display Options" at the far right to open the window

  2. Check on the "Resource(s)" box and close the Display window

You will see that the Resources column has been added and you can drag the column to position it where you want in the grid.

From the Invoices menu grid, filter the invoices you wish to pay commissions on as follows:

  1. Click on "All Filters

  2. Select the invoices statuses that you wish to pay commissions on (i.e. paid, etc,)

  3. Select the date range that applies to you based on:

    1. Invoice date if you pay when the invoices are sent

    2. Payment date if you pay after payment has been received

  4. Choose from the list of items (if applicable)

  5. Click apply

The list of all eligible transactions based on your search will appear.

Validate that the liste is accurate and download it into excel as follows:

  • Simply position your cursor in any "white space" in the grid (see red arrow below)

  • Right click on your mouse

  • Select "Export" and then "Excel".

You will then be able to add the necessary columns in Excel to derive your commission payments totals in a few seconds.

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