💡 Our team has added a few new features that will have a positive impact on your day to day tasks.
🚒 A few bugs have also been fixed.
🆕 In Work orders / Visits, will now generate a unique number
Implementing unique numbers for each Work order / Visit is a great way to enhance organization and facilitate project management.
This unique number will be displayed on the Visits grid, as follows: Job number followed by the work-order number ex: 0077-0001
It will also show on the PDF document and Client Portal.
Only available on new Work order / Visit.
🆕 On the Contacts grid, it is now possible to achieve certain actions in bulk
It's a great enhancement to have the ability to perform tasks in bulk on the contacts grid, providing users with a more powerful and efficient way to manage their contacts.
🆕 Hide item prices when disabled in the quote
Having the possibility to hide item prices on PDF and Customer Portal for quotes.
Your client will only be able to see the subtotal, taxes and total.
This functionality will have to be activated on the quotes settings.
🆕 Activate detection of entry / exit of a visit on a Route
By activating this feature, Plannit will record the entry/exit of zones, within routes, enabling better tracking over the runtime of each visit
And many more improvements to Routes