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Why Plannit?
Why use Plannit Pay (online payment)
Why use Plannit Pay (online payment)

How Plannit Pay helps your cash flow by accelerating payments

Brigitte Chouinard avatar
Written by Brigitte Chouinard
Updated over a week ago

Online payment: technology that pays you!

Make it easy for your clients to pay you!

Your customers can pay invoices online via direct, secure access to their customer portal. An optimal experience for them, and 24/7 payment receipts for you!

Stop wasting hours chasing after your money

Time spent making collection calls and or driving all oer the city to collect late checks. Plannit takes care of it by automating it all!

Eliminate tedious reconciliation tasks

Once paid through our platform, your invoice status will automatically be updated in Plannit, eliminating the time-consuming administrative tasks!

Stay on top of your receivables

Plannit Pay, combined with our invoice automations and pre-authorized payments, allows you to speed up the influx of money and eliminate late payments.

Don't wait to get started! See Activate Plannit Pay with Plannit!

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