Make a refund

How to refund all or part of a paid invoice

Samuel Roy-Marchand avatar
Written by Samuel Roy-Marchand
Updated this week

Here's how to make a full or partial refund on an invoice paid in Plannit:

Step 1: Create a generic item for your reimbursements in Plannit

NOTE: If you have an accounting integration, make sure you have an account and/or correspondence in your accounting system before creating the item in Plannit.

  • In Settings<List of Products and Services add a $0 product named "Refund" or "Adjustment", etc.

  • Fill in the appropriate sections as below

Step 2: Adjust the Plannit invoice to reflect the refund

Add the refund item created above, click to open the window and complete as follows:

  • Add detail in description

  • Add "-" sign in quantity

  • Add refund amount in price

  • Adjust the "applicable sales tax" section if necessary

The new total should appear as follows:

Take note of the "Balance" as it represents the amount to be refunded to the customer.

Step 3: Adjust the payment schedule to balance the bill

Click on the "Refund" button under "Action":

Add a new payment, which will be automatically adjusted when the payment is added (and adjust the original payment method if necessary).

Pay this new amount manually by clicking on "Pay" as follows:

Step 4: Refund the customer

Don't forget to refund the customer according to your usual administrative procedures.

NOTE: If the customer has paid with Stripe, send us the information related to the refund (customer name, invoice #, invoice date and amount to be refunded) via the chat in Plannit and we will be happy to make the request for you. You'll receive confirmation once the refund has been processed.

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