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Create a statement of account
Create a statement of account

Print or send statement of account to your client

Brigitte Chouinard avatar
Written by Brigitte Chouinard
Updated over a week ago

Create a statement of account to remind a client of multiple outstanding invoices in order to receive your payment faster.

From the Contacts tab:

  1. Search for your client in the Contacts tab menu

  2. Open it and click on the Invoices icon

  3. Click on Actions and select Print or Send and all outstanding invoices will appear on the summary.

From the invoices tab:

  1. Go to the Invoices tab and type the client's name in the search bar;

  2. Select the invoices that are overdue (based on the Status column) by clicking in the respective checkboxes;

  3. Click on Print or Send in the orange bar.

In order for the Account statement option to be displayed in the invoice grid you must:

  • Select at least 2 invoices belonging to the same clients with a balance > 0$

  • They must have a status Open, Printed, Sending, Sent, Read, Payment in process or Partial.

  • The invoice date must be in the past

To see how your client will receive the statement:

Your customer will receive an email to access their customer portal. They will then see the PDF appear in the message thread. Upon clicking, they will be able to review the report (see example below).

If you have connected to Plannit Pay, they will be able to open and pay each invoice instantly. If you are interested in getting connected to get paid faster, refer to Activating online payments (Plannit Pay) or activate the Payment reminder automation feature at the bottom of your Invoice settings (available on the PRO and PREMIUM plans)

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