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Quote settings
Brigitte Chouinard avatar
Written by Brigitte Chouinard
Updated over a week ago

The settings you define will appear by default on all your quotes to save you considerable time.

Fill in your "Quotes general settings"

  1. Will set the deadline for your quotes to be valid

  2. Will generate all invoices related to your quote at the time upon approval by the client.

  3. Will set the billing date of your first instalment at the date of the first payment.

  4. Will allow your clients to choose from a selection of items on the quote.

  5. Will personalize your numbering system

Fill in your "Quote Information"

Add your company information that will automatically appear in the header of each of your quotes / contracts. As you enter the information, you'll be able to see how it will appear on a PDF version of your quotes (see Preview on the right).

License number only applies if your professional association requires your number to appear on your agreement documents with your clients such as your quotes and invoices.

Create your payment schedule(s)

This section allows you to create the default payment schedule options (number of deposits, number of invoices, payment method, date, etc.) you want on all your quotes.

You will always have the option to modify the information on a given quote, if needed.

Plannit offer those 3 options:

  • single invoice with single or multiple payments (including a deposit)

  • multiple invoices to manage contracts with recurring services

  • multiple payment schedule options to choose from, including discounts

Fields to understand before you create your payment calendar include:

  • Invoice count: allows 1 or multiple invoices linked to your quote.

  • Clicking on a payment line opens a window for editing as follows:

    • Date options are:

      • Upon approval: when you want the invoice to be automatically sent to the client upon quote approval.

      • Planned: when you want the payment request or invoice to be automatically sent to the client on that date.

      • To be planned: when the payment date cannot be determined in advance

    • %: will automatically adjust the $ amount for that payment.

    • Payment methods you want to offer (NOTE: Credit cards and direct debit will automate your payments to save time and receive them faster. To activate online payments, simply go to Settings> Payments)

    • Save

  • Add payment schedule: if you want to offer several payment options to your clients.

  • Discount: % or amount if a calendar option comes with a discount.

To learn more about how to create payment schedules for your specific scenarios, see Create Payment Schedules for Your quotes.

Fill out Notes, Terms and conditions

Quotes notes are recommended to personalize your customer experience (see text in example below). Click on the text box to edit (see image).

  1. Click in the text box and enter your text;

  2. Click on the ☑️ check mark to save;

  3. Activate the button if you want this same note to be copied to the Notes section on each of your invoices.

The terms and conditions detail the terms of the agreement between you and your client. To add or modify the text for your terms and conditions, proceed the same way.

Tips and tricks

If you have a long text that has already been written that you would like to transfer in Notes and/or terms and conditions, we recommend the following procedure so as to keep the initial format intact:

  1. Open your source document;

  2. Convert it in HTML as per the exemple for a Word document in the screenshot below (you will be able to edit the HTML test, if required);

  3. Copy the text in Plannit.

If this doesn't produce the desired result in terms of formatting, but you don't want to rewrite each clause in Plannit, you can also:

  1. Copy / paste the Word text into Bloc Note (or another unformatted text application);

  2. Copy the unformatted text into Plannit's terms and conditions section;

  3. Edit the format directly in the section.

Program automation settings (Pro and Premium plans)

This feature allows you to automatically send up to 2 reminders to your customers who have not yet accepted your quote.

To activate the options (activate the button to the right):

To trigger automatic reminders, check Automatic event trigger option and define the desired reminders by selecting them and indicating the desired number of days for your reminders.

When activated, your clients will automatically receive reminders for unapproved quotes, without follow ups required on your part.

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